Weather & Humber bridge Updates
Map features and tips
- Use the “Map Layers” box to select the information you want to see, or the search box in the top right of the screen.
- Selecting or hovering on icons displayed on the map will show further details.
- The impact level is shown by the colour of the symbol. Green = Slight impact, Amber = Moderate impact and Red = Severe impact.
- You can set up roadworks alerts for your area by using the mail icon.
- Works managed or under licence by us are shown using a roadworks symbol.
- Works managed by utility providers are identified by different symbols. E.g a tap (water), flame (gas), phone (communications) or lightening (electricity) symbol.
- You can search roadworks based on the current date or search via a range using the calendar icon in the top right.
- You can even plan your journey by entering your destination in the search box and clicking on the directions symbol.
- For more information on how to use the roadworks map read our Roadworks Map How to Guide (PDF, 1MB).
Local Authorities throughout England have started a partnership to integrate information about roadworks and travel information. The map provides details of known roadworks in North East Lincolnshire and other participating authorities. This information is normally updated daily as the Highway Authorities are informed by the utility companies of proposed work which may pose a traffic delay. Information is only as accurate as has been supplied and should be used as an indication of probable traffic problem areas. We cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy or inaccuracy of the information.
Reporting issues
To report issues with Utility works complete our Utility works issues - external site form. This form should be used to report issues with the following:
- signs or barriers which have been left after the roadworks have been completed
- signs or barrier which have fallen over and causing obstructions
- signs or barrier which are in a dangerous state
- poor workmanship
To report issues with Temporary lights complete our Temporary traffic signals - external site form. Temporary lights are usually linked to planned or emergency street works and planned highway improvement works. Works promoters are required to display emergency contact information on the signs to report an issue with the temporary lights. You should contact the utility company directly to report any issues.
However, if you experience an issue with temporary lights and emergency contact numbers are not available on site then you should let us know. If you consider it an emergency you can also contact us on 01472 313131 (option 6).